
Prayers said. Rolls called.

Procedure: minutes read

Minutes of the last sederunt read.

Procedure: draft act offered for ratifying treaty of union; order of business

Draft of an act ratifying and approving the treaty of union of the two kingdoms of Scotland and England, given in and offered to be read.

Whereupon it was moved that the parliament should first proceed to the constitution of the manner of electing the representatives for Scotland to the parliament of Great Britain, and either now to determine that matter or to appoint a diet for that end.

And after debate the vote was stated, proceed to the ratification of the treaty of union and act for security of the Protestant religion and presbyterian church government, or to the constitution of the manner of electing the representatives for Scotland to the parliament of Great Britain.

But before voting, it was agreed that in case it shall carry to proceed to the ratification the parliament will immediately, after passing the act of ratification, proceed to the constitution of the manner of electing the representatives for Scotland.

Then the vote was put, proceed to the ratification or constitution, and it carried ratification.

Thereafter the draft of the act ratifying, approving, and at length narrating the articles of union, as enlarged, explained and amended, and the act for security of the Protestant religion and presbyterian church government, was read.

And after some discourse, it was put to the vote, mark a first reading on the act or not, and it carried, mark a first reading, and accordingly a first reading was marked thereon.

Procedure: adjournment

Then the lord chancellor, by order of her majesty's high commissioner, adjourned the parliament until tomorrow at 10 o'clock.

  1. NAS. PA6/36, f.59/230 (note parallel folio system).