The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2025), date accessed: 12 February 2025
Prayers said. Rolls called.
Procedure: minutes read
Minutes of the last sederunt read.
Procedure: reports and debate concerning illegal meetings
The lord chancellor acquainted the parliament that, notwithstanding the several addresses brought in and presented to the parliament against an incorporating union with England, in the terms of the articles, have been under due consideration during the whole procedure upon the articles of union, yet there is now information that letters are sent through several corners of the kingdom desiring the subscribers of these addresses to come in and assemble at Edinburgh upon pretence of waiting the effect of the said addresses, and of knowing what return the parliament will give them, all which he was directed by his grace her majesty's high commissioner to lay before the parliament, to the effect proper measures may be resolved upon for preventing any evil consequences from these practices.
And after some discourse thereupon, a proclamation was brought in and read against all such meetings and gatherings of the subjects as unwarrantable and contrary to law and, after further discourse as to the ground of the information, her majesty's high commissioner was pleased to signify to the parliament that he had information from several corners of the kingdom of the great pains and methods which had been used to procure subscriptions to addresses, and to call in to Edinburgh the subscribers against a precise day to back these addresses.
And after debate upon the draft of the proclamation, the vote was stated approve of the proclamation or not. But before voting, it was agreed to mark the members' votes and that the list of their names as they shall vote should be printed and recorded.
- NAS. PA6/36, f.46/204 (note parallel folio system).