The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2025), date accessed: 16 February 2025
Act adjourning the session to 1 January next and continuing the sitting thereof from the last of February to the last day of March next inclusive
Our sovereign lady, with advice and consent of the estates of parliament, adjourns the session to 1 January next, and declares all actions depending before the lords of session to be continued to the said day. And her majesty, with consent foresaid, dispenses in the meantime with the sitting of the court of justiciary and all inferior courts as if the parliament were not sitting, and further, declares that the time and space between the date hereof and 1 January next shall not be reckoned in any annual prescriptions. And further, her majesty with advice and consent foresaid, statutes and ordains that the session which is appointed to rise the last day of February next be continued to sit for administration of justice to the lieges from the said day to the last day of March 1707 inclusive, and ordains these words to be published at the market cross of Edinburgh and to be forthwith printed that the lieges may be certified thereof.
- APS, xi, 345-6. Manuscript source not yet identified. For clauses relating to see PA7/20, 44.