Procedure: ninth article read, debated, voted and approved

Then the ninth article of union was read and, after reasoning thereon, it was moved that six months' cess shall be the quota of the tax to be imposed on Scotland in place of eight months agreed to by the said article. And after debate thereupon, a vote was stated, approve of the ninth article or not, and thereupon a second state of a vote was offered, namely whether six months' cess or eight months' cess should be the quota of the tax to be charged on Scotland. Then the vote was put which of the two should be the state of the vote, first or second, and it carried first. Whereupon it was put to the vote, approve of the said ninth article or not, and it carried approve.

Procedure: tenth, eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth articles read, voted and approved

Thereafter the tenth, eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth articles of union were all separately read and were separately voted and approved.

Procedure: fourteenth article read and continued

The fourteenth article of union read and the consideration thereof delayed until the next sederunt, to be then proceeded upon prior to all other business.

  1. NAS. PA6/36, f.31/181 (note parallel folio system).