Addresses: against the union, read

Address of the commissioners to the general convention of the royal burghs, subscribed by the president of the convention, against concluding such an incorporating union as is contained in the articles proposed, given in and read.

Then the following addresses were given in namely, address by the barons, freeholders and others within the shire of Fife, subscribing the same; address by the barons, freeholders and others within the shire of Renfrew, subscribing the same, and an address by the magistrates of the burgh of Falkland, councillors and inhabitants therein, and of heritors within the parish thereof, subscribing the same, all against allowing of an incorporating union, in the terms contained in the articles, with England, and were all read.

And an address by heritors, elders and masters of families within the parish of Hamilton, subscribers of the same, that no union be hastily entered into with England also given in and read.

  1. NAS. PA2/39, f.17.