Procedure: debate, resolutions concerning putting the first article of union to a vote

Thereafter the first article of union was again read, as also the motion mentioned in the last minute relating thereto, namely that it be agreed to in the first place to proceed to take the first article of union to consideration, with this provision: that if the other articles of union be not adjusted by the parliament, then the agreeing to and approving of the first shall be of no effect, and that immediately after the said first article the parliament will proceed to an act for security of the doctrine, discipline, worship and government of the church as now by law established within this kingdom. And, after some further debate upon the said article, a resolve was offered in these terms: Whereas it evidently appears, since the printing, publishing and considering of the articles of treaty now before this house, this nation seems generally averse to this incorporating union in the terms now before us as subversive of the sovereignty, fundamental constitution and Claim of Right of this kingdom, and as threatening ruin to this church as by law established; and since it is plain that if a union were agreed to in these terms by this parliament, and accepted of by the parliament of England, it would in no sort answer the peaceable and friendly ends proposed by a union, but would, on the contrary, create such dismal distractions and animosities amongst ourselves and such jealousies and mistakes between us and our neighbours as would involve these nations into fatal breaches and confusions, therefore, resolved that we are willing to enter into such a union with our neighbours of England as shall unite us entirely, and after the most strict manner in all their and our interests of succession, wars, alliances and trade, reserving to us the sovereignty and independency of our crown and monarchy, and immunities of the kingdom and the constitution and frame of the government, both of church and state, as they stand now established by our fundamental constitution, by our Claim of Right and by our laws following thereupon. Or, resolved that we will proceed to settle the same succession with England upon such conditions and regulations of government within ourselves as shall effectually secure the sovereignty and independency of this crown and kingdom and the indissolvable society of the same, with the fundamental rights and constitution of the government both of church and state as the same stands established by the Claim of Right and other laws and statutes of this kingdom.

Which being read, and after debate thereon, the vote was stated, approve of the first article of union in the terms of the motion, yes or no.

  1. NAS. PA2/39, f.14v-15.