Charter: patent

Patent creating Lord Henry Scott earl of Delorain, read and ordered to be recorded, whereupon he swore the oath of allegiance, subscribed the same with the assurance and took the oath of parliament, the tenor of which patent follows.

The earl of Delorain's patent

Anne, by the grace of God, queen of Great Britain, France and Ireland, and defender of the faith, to all honest men to whom our present letters shall have come, greetings. In as much as we, royally considering the brilliant and loyal services done by our most loyal and well-beloved Sir Henry Scott, son of our trusted and well-beloved kinswoman Anne [Scott], duchess of Buccleuch, and the zeal and affection he has expressed for our person and government on every occasion; therefore for these and very many other reasons and considerations of great importance, we have decided of our kindness to confer upon this same Sir Henry Scott and his heirs mentioned hereinafter a notable and lasting mark of our royal favour, whereby he and they may be inspired and aroused in future to offer us and our successors services of great importance whenever the opportunity may arise; know therefore that we have made, constituted and created, and by the tenor of this patent do make, constitute and create the said Sir Henry Scott earl, viscount and free lord of parliament in our ancient kingdom of Scotland, to be called and designated for all future time earl of Deloraine, viscount Hermitage, and lord Goldilands, by giving, granting and conferring on the foresaid Sir Henry Scott and the male heirs of his body legally begotten, the title, honour, place, rank and dignity of earl, viscount and free lord of parliament as aforesaid, with full power, commission and authority to him and his foresaid heirs to possess and enjoy the same with each and every prerogative, pre-eminence, precedence and privilege relating thereto. By the tenor of this patent, we invest and ennoble this same Sir Henry Scott and his foresaid heirs with these, and in particular with free suffrage of parliament. The said Sir Henry Scott and his foresaid heirs are to hold the foresaid title, honour, place, rank and dignity of earl, viscount and free lord of parliament with every prerogative, precedence and privilege pertaining thereto from us and our royal successors in all parliaments, meetings of the estates, general councils and other meetings, public and private, in the said kingdom, as fully and freely in every respect as any other earl, viscount and free lord of parliament of like title, honour and dignity with every privilege and anything else relating thereto has enjoyed in earlier times, or will be able to enjoy at any time past, present or future. Moreover, we command the lyon king of arms and the brethren of his court to give and prescribe for the foresaid Sir Henry Scott, now earl of Deloraine, such additions to his former coat of arms as shall seem appropriate and fitting for this occasion. We declare and ordain that these our letters patent furnished with our great seal shall be as valid and effective for the said Sir Henry Scott and his foresaid heirs to possess the foresaid title, honour and dignity as if he and his foresaid heirs had been invested and inaugurated with every rite and solemnity used on such occasions in the past. We have granted, and by this patent do grant a dispensation therefrom in perpetuity. In witness whereof, we have ordered that our great seal be appended to this patent. At our palace of Windsor Castle, 29 March in the year of our Lord 1706, and in the fifth year of our reign. Signed by the hand manual of our supreme lady the queen.

Written to the great seal and registered.

Sealed at Edinburgh.

  1. NAS. PA2/39, f.5-6.