
Prayers said. Rolls called.

Procedure: letter of appointment

A letter from her majesty to the lord high commissioner read, appointing Lord Archibald Campbell, brother german to his grace, to have the place and vote of the lord high treasurer in this session of parliament, of which letter the tenor follows.

Letter from her majesty appointing Lord Archibald Campbell to have place and vote of lord high treasurer in this session of parliament

Signed thus above, Anne Regina,

Right trusty and right entirely beloved cousin and councillor, we greet you well. Whereas the office of lord high treasurer is now in commission, and it being provided by the laws of that our kingdom that the number of our officers of state should not exceed the number of eight who are to have vote and place in parliament, even though at any time there should be more persons employed in the execution of the said offices, and it being reasonable that there should be one named to appear and act in the ensuing session of parliament as our treasurer aforesaid, therefore, we do nominate and appoint our right trusty and well beloved Lord Archibald Campbell, brother to the duke of Argyll, to have the place and vote of the lord high treasurer in the ensuing session of parliament. So we bid you heartily farewell. Given at our court at St James's, 9 March 1705 and of our reign the fourth year.

By her majesty's command, signed thus: [James Ogilvy, earl of] Seafield.

Directed thus: to our right trusty and right entirely beloved cousin and councillor John, duke of Argyll, our commissioner to our parliament of our ancient kingdom of Scotland.

The said Lord Archibald Campbell did then swear the oath of allegiance, subscribe the same with the assurance, swore the oath of parliament and thereafter took his place.

  1. NAS. PA2/39, f.8-8v.