Procedure: members admitted; oaths taken
Some new members admitted

Charles [Hay], earl of Erroll, lord high constable, and David [Wemyss], earl of Wemyss, swore the oath of allegiance, signed the same with the assurance and took the oath of parliament.

Sir David Ramsay of Balmain, one of the commissioners elected for the shire of Kincardine in place of the deceased Sir James Falconer of Phesdo, swore the oath of allegiance, subscribed the same with the assurance and took the oath of parliament.

Sir Peter Halkett [of Pitfirrane], commissioner for the burgh of Dunfermline, and Mr James Stewart [of Goodtrees], commissioner for the burgh of Queensferry, swore the oath of allegiance, subscribed the same with the assurance and took the oath of parliament.

Moved that there being two commissions presented last session of parliament from the shire of Clackmannan, one for Andrew Burnside of Hartshaw, the other for Mr Alexander Abercrombie of Tullibody, and Burnside being now dead, Tullibody should be admitted.

Moved that seeing there was a competition between these two commissions there be a competent time allowed to acquaint the barons and freeholders of that shire for objecting against Tullibody's commission if they think fit, and that before he be admitted. And, after some debate, it was put to the vote, admit or delay and carried admit. Tullibody thereafter swore the oath of allegiance, subscribed the same with the assurance and took the oath of parliament.

  1. NAS. PA2/39, f.7v-8.