The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2025), date accessed: 15 February 2025
Procedure: commission to the earl of Glasgow
Her majesty's gift and commission to David [Boyle], earl of Glasgow, to be lord treasurer depute, read and ordered to be recorded, whereof the tenor follows.
Commission and gift of the office of treasurer depute to the earl of Glasgow
Anne, by the grace of God, queen of Great Britain, France and Ireland, and defender of the faith, to all honest men to whom our present letters shall have come, greetings. In as much as we are abundantly satisfied of the probity and extraordinary talents of our most loyal and well-beloved kinsman and councillor David, earl of Glasgow, whereby he is in every way fitted to exercise the appointment and office of our treasurer depute of our ancient kingdom of Scotland; know therefore that we have named, constituted and appointed, and by the tenor of this commission do name, constitute and appoint this same David, earl of Glasgow, during our pleasure only, our treasurer depute in the offices of our treasurer, comptroller, collector, treasurer of our new taxes and receiver general of our said ancient kingdom, with full power, during the foresaid period, to enjoy and exercise the said appointment and office with every liberty, honour, privilege, pre-eminence, benefit and casual profit whatsoever pertaining and relating thereto, as fully and freely in every respect and condition as any other of his predecessors in the said office have enjoyed and done, or were able to enjoy and do at any time in the past; and especially, without prejudice to the foresaid general statement, to have place and suffrage as one of our officers of state in all our parliaments of the said kingdom, general councils and assemblies; and we, considering that the full power and office of our principal treasurer has now been turned into a commission, therefore expressly declare and ordain that this our present donation of the said office of our treasurer depute in no way derogates from the said commission which will remain in full power and force, and that the foresaid David, earl of Glasgow, shall exercise [his office] as one of our commissioners of our treasury by our nomination, constitution and appointment, just as by the tenor of this commission we do name, constitute and appoint this same David, earl of Glasgow to be one of the said commissioners of the treasury in place of our recent treasurer depute, as fully and freely to all intents and purposes as if he had been named in the said commission. We declare that this in no way prejudices him as treasurer depute in any offices and privileges relating thereto if in the future, during the continuation of our present commission, he shall have been named principal treasurer. In witness whereof, we have ordered that our great seal be appended to this commission. At our palace of Kensington, 5 June in the year of our Lord 1705, and in the fourth year of our reign. Signed by the hand manual of our supreme lady the queen.
Written to the great seal and registered 11 June 1705. Signed thus: Charles Kerr. Sealed at Edinburgh, 11 June 1705. Signed: Alexander Ogilvie.
Thereafter the said earl of Glasgow, lord treasurer depute, swore the oath of allegiance, signed the same with the assurance and took the oath of parliament.
- NAS. PA2/39, f.6v-7.