The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2025), date accessed: 15 February 2025
Procedure: commission to the earl of Loudoun
Her majesty's gift and commission to Hugh [Campbell], earl of Loudoun, to be the other principal secretary of state, read and ordered to be recorded, whereof the tenor follows.
Commission and gift of the office of one of the secretaries of state to the earl of Loudoun
Anne, by the grace of God, queen of Great Britain, France and Ireland, and defender of the faith, to all honest men to whom our present letters shall have come, greeting. In as much as we are royally mindful that nothing can be more conducive to the welfare of our service and of our kingdoms as the appointment of men of proven loyalty and integrity as the principal ministers of our crown, especially our secretaries of state, in whom we shall be able to have particular trust with regard to our authority as well as the welfare of our subjects; and we being abundantly satisfied and well-informed of the loyalty, probity, and very many other abilities of our most loyal and well-beloved kinsman and councillor Hugh, earl of Loudoun, which make him in every way suited to exercise the appointment and office of one of our foresaid principal secretaries of state, therefore, for the foresaid and many other reasons and considerations, know that we have named, constituted and appointed, as by the tenor of this commission we do name, constitute and appoint this same Hugh, earl of Loudoun, one of our two secretaries of state for our ancient kingdom of Scotland, during our pleasure only and until this commission may be revoked by us in writing, to be co-principal and conjoint with our most loyal and well-beloved kinsman and councillor William [Johnston], marquis of Annandale, the other secretary of state for the said kingdom, by giving and granting, as by the tenor of this commission we do give and grant, during the foresaid period, to the said Hugh, earl of Loudoun, the place, appointment and office of one of our principal secretaries of state aforesaid, with a just and equal half of all the fees, profits, emoluments, casual profits, liberties and immunities which related to the said appointment, place and office in earlier times, or could so relate, together with an annual pension of £1,000 sterling according to the donation of the same granted to him by us and dated with this commission; with full power to use, exercise and enjoy the said place, appointment and office, and especially to write, sign and offer us all donations, cautions and documents whatsoever requiring our royal signature,2 and receive a just and equal half of all honoraria, payments and casual profits relating thereto, and to have equal power and privilege with the said William, marquis of Annandale, our other secretary of state for the said kingdom, to receive, interpose, and preserve all signets of the said kingdom, and an equal half of the benefits and emoluments stemming therefrom, and to apply them to his own private uses, and also power to constitute and admit deputes and keepers of our said signets, and to engage all clerks and secretaries to our signet, with all sheriff clerks and clerks to the peace in3 said kingdom; and by that authority4 them commissions as often as the said appointments are vacant for whatever reason, whereby they can enjoy and take pleasure in these appointments for life, and to receive an equal half of the admission-fees and benefits stemming from the admission of the said clerks, and to appropriate these for his own private uses. In witness whereof, we have ordered that our great seal be appended to this commission. At our palace of Kensington, 5 June in the year of our Lord 1705, and in the fourth year of our reign. Signed by the hand manual of our supreme lady the queen.
Written to the great seal and registered 11 June 1705. Signed thus: Charles Kerr. Sealed at Edinburgh, 11 June 1705. Signed: Alexander Ogilvie.
- NAS. PA2/39, f.6-6v.
- 'and to interpose' inserted in APS.
- 'our' inserted in APS.
- 'to grant' inserted in APS.