Procedure: commission to the earl of Seafield

Her majesty's gift and commission in favour of James [Ogilvy], earl of Seafield, to be lord high chancellor, read and ordered to be recorded, and then the lord clerk register administered the oath of allegiance to him, who swore the same and signed it with the assurance, and took the oath of parliament; the tenor of his foresaid commission follows.

Commission and gift of the office of chancellor to the earl of Seafield

Anne, by the grace of God, queen of Great Britain, France and Ireland, and defender of the faith, to all honest men to whom our present letters shall have come, greetings. In as much as we understand how much it is for the welfare of our service that the appointment and office of the highest trustworthiness, namely chancellor of our ancient kingdom of Scotland, be granted to an individual of unblemished loyalty and integrity, and imbued with brilliant talents, and since we have very many evidences of the loyalty, brilliant talents and integrity of our most loyal and well-beloved kinsman and councillor James, earl of Seafield, both in his former fulfilment of this same high appointment and of other appointments and offices of great trustworthiness in the foresaid kingdom; know therefore that we have named, made, constituted and appointed, and by the tenor of this commission do name, make, constitute and appoint this same our most loyal and well-beloved kinsman and councillor James, earl of Seafield, (during the time of our pleasure only), high chancellor of the said ancient kingdom, and sole and principal keeper of our seal of this same kingdom. Likewise, we give, grant and confer upon him (during the foresaid period) this same appointment and office with every honour, dignity, precedence, privilege, fee and pension which anyone of his predecessors in the said office enjoyed or took pleasure in, or which is regarded by law and custom as justly pertaining thereto; and especially with full power and privilege to preside in all parliaments, meetings of the estates, law-courts and all other meetings which we have called or may call, at which our high chancellor is present, meetings of our exchequer always excepted when our principal treasurer is present. Likewise, we order and command all our subjects to acknowledge, attend and pay respect to the forementioned James, earl of Seafield as our high chancellor of the foresaid kingdom, with every honour and respect due to that high office and appointment. We also require the lords of our privy council of the said kingdom, and we give them authority, to exact his oath concerning loyal administration in the said appointment and office, and likewise to make him repeat and sign the oaths of loyalty and safeguard, and the other oaths established by law. In witness whereof, we have ordered that our great seal be appended to this commission. At our palace of St James's, 9 March in the year of our Lord 1705, and in the third year of our reign. Signed by the hand manual of our supreme lady the queen.

Written to the great seal and registered 14 March 1705. Signed thus: Charles Kerr.

Sealed at Edinburgh, 14 March 1705. Signed: John Dickson.

  1. NAS. PA2/39, f.4-4v.