[Act read and delayed; signature requested; account of the poll money read]

Prayers said, rolls called.

Minutes of the last sederunt read.

Act continuing the commission for auditing the accounts of the public funds read for the second time, and the further consideration thereof delayed until the next diet of parliament.

Ordered that Sir William Menzies [of Gladstains] sign the account given in by him last diet of parliament.

The account of the poll-money the year 1693 read.

[Petition granted; report concerning the public accounts considered]

Petition of Katherine Hamilton, widow of Captain Alexander Dunbar, craving payment of arrears due to her husband, with a declaration and consent subscribed by several officers in her favour, read, and, after reasoning thereon, it was put to the vote grant the desire thereof for £300 sterling in part payment of the arrears craved or remit to the commission, and carried grant the desire thereof for £300 sterling.

The first observation sustained. The second observation sustained, and the balance therein mentioned allowed to [George Baillie], laird of Jerviswood. As to the third observation, after reasoning thereon, it was put to the vote whether to prefer the accounts stated due to the country or to the officers for their arrears to the balance of the said account, and carried prefer the officers for their arrears. And the parliament recommended to the commission to be named to enquire into the undue transactions made anent the accounts due to the country and to report.

The parliament recommends to the commission to be named to consider the arrears due to the garrisons of the castles of Edinburgh, Stirling and Dunnottar, to the effect that what was paid out by the several officers for subsisting their garrisons may be reimbursed to them.

The fourth observation delayed until the next diet of parliament.

Agreed that the parliament discuss the accounts prior to all other business.

[Revision of ratifications; continuation]

Ordered that the queen's advocate and solicitor revise the ratifications and fairs to be passed this session of parliament.

The lord chancellor, by order of the lord high commissioner, adjourned the parliament until tomorrow at 10 o'clock.

[James Ogilvy, earl of] Seafield, chancellor, in the presence of the lords of parliament

  1. NAS. PA3/7, Printed Minutes No.18, 1 or NAS. PA6/36,95, f.1.