[Acts given royal assent; lord commissioner's speech; parliament adjourned]

Prayers said, the rolls called.

The minutes of the last sederunt read.

The following acts received the royal assent, namely: act for securing the true Protestant religion and presbyterian government; act ratifying the turning the meeting of the estates into a parliament; act anent leasing makers and slanderers; act for proving the tenor [of burnt writs] in favour of Anna Cockburn; act anent peace and war; act anent the public accounts; act anent butchers; act in favour of the Company Trading to Africa and the Indies; act discharging the importation of Irish victual; act continuing the prohibition of exporting English or Irish wool until the next session of parliament inclusive; act in favour of William Montgomery and George Lind for a manufacture of china, porcelain and earthenware; act allowing the importation of wines and other foreign liquors. After which, her majesty's high commissioner made a speech to the parliament as follows:

My lords and gentlemen,

We have now passed several good acts for our religion, liberty and trade, which I hope will be acceptable to all her majesty's good subjects. I wish you had also given the supplies necessary for maintaining her majesty's forces and preserving the peace and safety of the kingdom, but since I hope this may be yet done in due time, and that besides some questions and difficulties are fallen in that in all probability you can have no time now to determine, and that withal it is fit her majesty should have time to consider upon some things that have been laid before her, and that we may know her mind therein more perfectly, a short recess appears at present to be necessary and that this parliament be adjourned for some time. And therefore I have ordered my lord chancellor to adjourn this parliament until 12 October next.

Then the lord chancellor, by order of her majesty's high commissioner, adjourned the parliament until Tuesday 12 October next.

[James Ogilvy, earl of] Seafield, chancellor, in the presence of the lords of parliament

  1. NAS. PA3/7, Printed minutes No.63, 1 or NAS. PA6/36, 74, f.1.