[Petition delayed; draft act and representation of the general assembly read]

Prayers said, the rolls called.

The minutes of the last sederunt read.

The petition of the disbanded officers delayed until the act for a supply come to be further considered, and, in the meantime, the clerk of the treasury ordered to prepare and state an account of the funds and of the arrears due to the several regiments to which the officers belonged.

The draft of an act for a toleration to all Protestants in the exercise of religious worship read.

A representation by the commission of the late general assembly against the toleration read.

[Draft acts read and laid open; member admitted and oaths taken; order of business]

The drafts of the following acts were then given in and read, namely: an act in favour of the royal burghs; an act allowing the exportation of mort lamb skins; an act continuing the prohibition of exporting English or Irish wool to the next session of parliament; an act anent the measuring and sealing of woollen and linen cloth; an act anent a triennial parliament; an act incapacitating persons having pensions not annexed to offices, all officers in the army and those employed in the customs to have vote as members of parliament in imposing of public burdens; an act in favour of the Company Trading to Africa and the Indies; an act anent leasing makers and slanderers; and an act for delivery of meal by weight. All which were ordered to lie on the table.

John Cockburn of Ormiston, younger, being elected commissioner for the shire of Haddington, took the oath of allegiance and oath of parliament and subscribed the allegiance and assurance.

Moved that the act for security of the kingdom be considered in order to a first reading.

Moved that the act for securing the true Protestant religion and presbyterian government be first considered.

Moved that the act for ratifying the first act of the parliament of 1689, turning the meeting of the estates into a parliament, be considered before any other.

Moved that before any procedure in the consideration of these acts, the remaining controverted elections be determined for the fuller constitution of the parliament. And thereupon the vote being stated proceed to consider the acts or to determine the elections, it carried that the acts should be considered.

[Acts read; act ordered to be printed; continuation]

The act for securing the true Protestant religion and presbyterian government read and ordered to be marked a first reading.

Then the vote was stated whether the act for security of the kingdom, which was first read, or the act for ratifying the first act of the parliament of 1689, which was next read, should be first considered, and it carried that the first read should be first considered.

The act for security of the kingdom read and ordered to be printed.

The draft of an act for adjourning the session read, and the vote being stated mark a first reading or not, it carried not.

The lord chancellor, by order of her majesty's high commissioner, adjourned the parliament until Thursday next at 10 o'clock.

[James Ogilvy, earl of] Seafield, chancellor, in the presence of the lords of parliament2

  1. NAS. PA3/7, Printed minutes No.10, 1-2 or NAS. PA6/36, 21, f.1-1v.
  2. NAS. PA6/36, 21, on rear: '3 June 1703, read in parliament and approved'.