The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2025), date accessed: 12 February 2025
Procedure: draft acts read and to lie on the table
The draft of an act for security of the kingdom was read, and the drafts of the several acts following were presented and read namely: an act ratifying the first act of the first session of the last parliament and of new enacting and declaring that all acts passed in the several sessions thereof be obeyed as laws; an act ordaining that, after the decease of her majesty and heirs of her body, all offices civil or military in this kingdom formerly conferred by our kings shall ever after be given by the parliament by way of ballot; an act declaring that after the death of her present majesty and failing heirs of her body no person coming to the crown of Scotland, being at the same time king or queen of England, shall, as king or queen of Scotland, have power to make peace or war without consent of parliament; an act allowing the importation of all sorts of wines and other foreign liquors; and an act for securing the true Protestant religion and presbyterian government, all which were ordered to lie on the table.
Procedure: adjournment
The lord chancellor, by order of her majesty's high commissioner, adjourned the parliament until Tuesday next at 10 o'clock.
- NAS. PA2/38, f.79v-80.