The protestation against the election of [Robert Douglas], laird of Strathenry for the shire of Fife and grounds thereof being considered, his election was found null as being made without the previous intimation at the head burgh of the shire required by law, and accordingly his name was ordained to be left out of the roll, and a warrant granted to the freeholders of that shire to meet for a new election on Tuesday 25th of this month in manner following:

Warrant for a new election of a commissioner for the shire of Fife

Her majesty's high commissioner and the estates of parliament, considering that the commission formerly granted by the barons and freeholders of the shire of Fife to Robert Douglas of Strathenry for representing them in this parliament is now, by the parliament, declared null, have therefore granted and do hereby grant warrant and order to the sheriff principal of the said shire and his deputes to call and convene the barons and freeholders of the said shire together, at the usual place of their meeting, on 25 May instant, to the effect they may of new make choice of one to represent them with their other three commissioners in this present parliament, to which they are hereby empowered, and ordain intimation in the usual manner to be made hereof.

The competing commissioners from the burghs of Haddington, Kirkcaldy, Arbroath and Dornoch, ordained to inform anent their several cases and to produce their respective instructions, to be considered the first sitting of parliament next week, with certification that no further time shall be allowed for doing thereof.

  1. NAS. PA2/38, f.73.