Act declaring the present meeting of parliament to be a lawful and free meeting of parliament

Our sovereign lady the queen's majesty, with advice and consent of the estates of the kingdom presently assembled in parliament, enacts, statutes and declares that the meeting of parliament now convened, by virtue and warrant of the seventeenth act of the sixth session of this parliament, entitled, act for the security of the kingdom, and by her majesty's adjournment agreeable thereto, is a lawful and free meeting of parliament for the ends therein mentioned. And further, in pursuance of the first act of the first session of this parliament, and without any derogation thereto, it is declared that it shall be high treason for any person to disown, quarrel or impugn the dignity and authority of this present meeting of parliament upon any pretence whatsoever, and ordains these words to be published at the market cross of Edinburgh that none pretend ignorance.

  1. NAS. PA2/38, f.48.