The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2025), date accessed: 15 February 2025
Act for securing the true Protestant religion and presbyterian government
Our sovereign lady the queen's majesty, with advice and consent of the estates of parliament, ratifies, approves and perpetually confirms all laws, statutes and acts of parliament made against popery and papists and for the establishing, maintaining and preserving of the true reformed Protestant religion and the true church of Christ as at present owned and settled within this kingdom, likewise for establishing, ratifying and confirming the presbyterian church government and discipline, that is to say the government of the church by kirk sessions, presbyteries, provincial synods and general assemblies, to be agreeable to the word of God and the only government of Christ's church within this kingdom; and particularly, without prejudice of the generality foresaid, her majesty, with advice and consent foresaid, ratifies, approves and confirms the fifth act of the second session of this current parliament, entitled, act ratifying the Confession of Faith and settling presbyterian church government, in the whole heads, clauses and articles thereof, as if at length herein set down, without prejudice to the twenty seventh act of the fifth session of this present parliament, entitled, act concerning the church as to the allowance therein given to certain ministers not actually assumed by the established church judicatures, under the conditions and provisions always expressed in the said act.
- NAS. PA2/38, f.47v-48.