Act adjourning the session until 1 July next

Our sovereign lady, considering that the sitting of the parliament begun 9 June instant may continue for the said month of June, whereby the lieges cannot now conveniently attend, do therefore, with advice and consent of the estates of parliament, adjourn the session to 1 July next, continuing all actions and causes depending before the lords of session to 1 July. And her majesty dispenses in the meantime with the sitting of all inferior courts as if the session had not been adjourned and notwithstanding of the sitting of the parliament. And further declares that the time and space between the date hereof and 1 July shall not be reckoned in any short prescription, and ordains these words to be published at the market cross of Edinburgh, and to be forthwith printed that the lieges may be certified thereof.

  1. NAS. PA2/38, f.47v.