Act recognising her majesty's royal authority

The estates of parliament, considering that by the death of the late King William, of ever glorious memory, the crown and royal dignity of this kingdom is, according to the Claim of Right and by undoubted right of succession, devolved upon Queen Anne, our present gracious sovereign, and that her majesty has duly sworn the coronation oath conforming to the said Claim of Right; therefore the estates of parliament, for themselves and in name and behalf of the whole subjects of this kingdom, do hereby assert, recognise and acknowledge her majesty's royal power and authority over the said kingdom, and her undoubted right and title to the imperial crown thereof, ratifying and approving, likewise they hereby ratify and approve the administrating of the said coronation oath to her majesty upon the decease of the late king by the lords of privy council that were then at London and their attestation made thereupon, with the proclamation of her majesty's privy council here in Scotland for proclaiming her majesty's said right and title. And her majesty, with advice and consent of the said estates of parliament, does declare that it is and shall be high treason in any of the subjects of this kingdom, by writing, speaking or any other manner of way, to disown, quarrel or impugn her majesty's royal power and authority or right and title to the crown; and further, her majesty, with advice and consent foresaid, statutes and ordains that the oath of allegiance hereto subjoined shall be sworn, and the same with the assurance added to it subscribed by all persons of public trust, civil, ecclesiastic and military, who have not yet sworn and subscribed the same to her majesty, according to the tenor of the sixth act of the fourth session of this present parliament, entitled, act for taking the oath of allegiance and assurance, and recommends it to the lords of her majesty's privy council to cause the said oath of allegiance and assurance to be further taken in manner foresaid, at such times and in such methods as they shall appoint.

The Oath of allegiance:

I, A. B. do sincerely promise and swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to her majesty Queen Anne, so help me God.

The assurance:

I, A. B. do, in the sincerity of my heart, assert, acknowledge and declare that her majesty Queen Anne is the only lawful and undoubted sovereign of this realm, as well of right, that is of right queen, as of fact, that is in the possession and exercise of the government, and therefore I do sincerely and faithfully promise and engage that I will, with heart and hand, life and goods, maintain and defend her majesty's title and government against the pretended prince of Wales and his adherents, and all other enemies who, either by open or secret attempts, shall disturb or disquiet her majesty in the possession and exercise thereof.

  1. NAS. PA2/38, f.47-47v.