The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2024), date accessed: 6 December 2024
Ratification in favours of the bishop of Edinburgh
Our soverane lord and estates of this present parliament, considering that his majesties' late wmwhile dearest father, of ever blessed memorie, did dissolve and dismember fra the archbishoprick of St Andrewes and found, establish and erect to and in favours of the bishop of Edinburgh and his successors the bishoprick of Edinburgh, consisting of the abbacies of Holyrudehouse and Newabbay and others on this side the water of Forth, conforme to the erection and mortification thairof, together with the right, priveledge and jurisdiction of commissariot, with the benefite of the quots of testaments, nomination and deprivation of the commissers and haill members of the said commissariot whatsomever within the haill bounds of the said erected bishoprick, with the haill benefite and commoditie that might accresse therby, with all immunities, casualities and others whatsomever perteaneing thairto, as the said erection, patents, grants and others following therupon, in favours of the deceast William and David, late bishops of Edinburgh, containeing diverse and sindrie other clauses in themselffs, at more lenth proports; and seing that by George, now bishop of Edinburgh, his patent and grant be his majestie of the said bishoprick of Edinburgh, the samen, with the haill immunities, priveledges, jurisdiction and benefice abovewritten is disponed in maner abovementioned, thairfor his majestie, with advice and consent forsaid, ratifies, approves and confirmes the forsaid dissolution and erection of the date the tuenty-nynt of September 1633, patents, grants and others following therupon, and the said patent and grant made by his majestie in favors of the said George, now bishop of Edinburgh, whilk bears date the eighteinth of January 1662, in all and sindrie the heids, clauses, articles, circumstances and conditions therincontained, and after the forme and tenor thairof in all points, dispenceing alwayes with the generality heirof, and holding this generall ratification als valeid, effectuall and sufficient as if the whole tenor of the said erection, patents, grants and others following therintill wer verbatim insert heirintill.
- NAS. PA2/28, f.73-73v.