Committee membership: commission renewed and expanded
Commission for the creditors of forfalted persons

The king's majestie, considering that the commission past in the first session of parliament, upon the fyft of July 1661, anent the creditors of the forfalted persones by the late usurpers, inregaird of the shortnes of tyme therin limited, could not be brought to a full close befor the expyreing therof; thairfor, his majestie, with advice and consent of his estates of parliament, renewes the forsaid commission to the persones therin named, and adds to them the earle of Annandale, Johne, bishop of Ross, David, bishop of Breichen, Sir Johne Wrquhart of Crommertie and Sir Gilbert Ramesay of Balmaine, with power to them to act conforme to the former commission in all points, which is heirby renewed and to be of force dureing this session of parliament allenerly, and the commissioners are heirby ordained to make their report befor the ryseing of the parliament.

  1. NAS. PA2/28, f.9v.