[Patent and king's letter read]

The rolls callit.

The lord chancellor produced a patent under the great seale, makeing and creating Charles Gordon, uncle to the marques of Huntly to be earle of Aboyn etc., which being red and the parliament acknowledging his majesties favor shown to the said earle, the patent wes, in presence of the parliament, delyvered be the comissioner to the earle of Atholl, who in name of the earle of Aboyne ressaved the same upon his knee.

The comissioner produced a letter frome the king's ma[jestie], in favors of C[...] Weemes, which being red, wes referrd to the comittee of bills to heere his accompts and to report.

[Reports read; acts approved]

A paper presented concerning a guard off 120 horse approven.2

A report concerning Lamont allowing him to sumond persons before the parliament upon 21 dayes approven.

Concerning the viscount of Frendraucht and the Gregorie, remits the consideration of the complaint to the counsel, and in respect of Frendraucht's appearance, suspends the sentence against Frendraucht, he first acting himselfe under the paine of 40,000 lib. not to trouble the petitioners in thair possessions otherways then be order of law, and that he sall not uplift the rents of any of the lands in thair possession.

The report concerning the laird of Keir and Mr Cornelius Ainsly remitted to the consideration of the lords of articles, to be tane in general consideration with all publict debts of that nature.3

The report concerneing the toun of Pittinweeme remitted to the consideration of the articles.

[Troop to be raised]4


Act concerning some papers sequestrat.6

[Protestation read; continuation]

The earle of Hartfell gave in a protestation in name of the marques of Douglas, for his right in haveing the first place and vote in parliament and carieing the croun etc. The duke of Hamilton protested in the contrar in so farre as concerns the first seat and vote in parliament, and Sir John Fletcher, his majesties advocat, in name of the duke of Lennox, protested against the hail protestation in regard of his place and precedencie, conforme to his patent.

[Imprisonment for unauthorised meetings]7

The comissioner continowis the parliament till Tuesday at 2 of the clok in the afternoone, and continowis all sumonds ut supra etc.8

  1. NAS. PA3/3, f.4-4v.
  2. Written in margin: 'Robert Hamlton'. Held the office of deputy clerk register.
  3. NLS. Wodrow Qu XXXV, f.20v-21 - additional detail on public debts and compensation.
  4. NLS. Wodrow Qu XXXV, f.21 - agreed by parliament that a troop is to be raised to assist in quelling any disorders. The commissioner to inform the king.
  5. NLS. Wodrow Qu XXXV, f.21 - 'The matter concerning the keiping of posthoarses at Greenus ferie wes delayed till the laird of Gosford be harde'.
  6. Written in margin: 'Ro[bert] Ham[ilton]'.
  7. NLS. Wodrow Qu XXXV, f.21v - The provost of Edinburgh informed parliament that 30 men and women have been imprisoned for convening illegally.
  8. NLS. Wodrow Qu XXXV, f.21v - 'This day Mr George Hutchinson said prayer'.