Lord Herres' losses

The report underwritten wes presented and read in parliament, wherof the tenor followes.

The report of the committie appointed be the lord commissioner's grace and estates of parliament for tryeing and stateing the accompt of the Lord Herreis his losses, which, after the strictest tryell they could make therof, they find it to be as followes. Inprimis, in the yeer 1639 the Lord Herreis, being necessitat to flie from his house and reteir to Carlile with his ladie and haill familie for his adherence to his majesties' service, the gates of his house of Tarregles wer broken up by the souldiers under the command of Sir Robert Monro, and ane great quantitie of his best houshold stuff and plate plundered and away taken be them, as my lord declares upon his word of honor, to the value of three thousand, three hundreth [and] threttie-three pund[s], sex shilling[s] [and] eight pennies. Item, dureing his absence furth of the cuntrie at that tyme with his ladie and familie he wes, as he lykewayes depones upon his word of honor, at the extraordinary charges and expences of three thousand, three hundreth [and] threttie-three pund[s], sex shilling [and] eight pennies. Item, the Lord Herreis furnisht for keeping out the house of Carlaverock perteaneing to the earle of Nithisdale, for his majesties' service, tuo brass guns, the one of 1,000 libs weight and the other 400 pund[s] weight, estimat at 18 shillings Scots the pund weight, extends to the sume of one thousand, one hundreth and fourty pund[s]. Item, tuo yron guns, the one carieing ane ball of four pund[s] and the other ane ball of tuo pund[s] weight, estimat to the sume of three hundreth pund[s]. Item, tuentie double musquets at tuelff pund[s] Scots the peice, inde tuo hundreth [and] fourty pund[s]. Item, fourtie carabines at tuelve pund[s] Scots the peice, inde four hundreth and eightie pund[s]. Item, tuo hundreth pikes at three pund[s] Scots the peice, inde in all sex hundreth pund[s]. Item, other tuentie double musquets sent at the same tyme to furnish and keep out his majesties' oune house of Threve in Galloway, at tuelve pund[s] Scots the peice, inde tuo hundreth and fourty pund[s], thir preceiding articles anent the guns proven be witnesses. Item, in Aprile 1644, when the forces under the command of the earle of Calander wer sent to Dumfreis, the laird of Lamingtoun wes quartered in the Lord Herreis' house of Tarregles with threttie horse the space of tuentie-three dayes and tuentie-four foot for eight days upon frie quarters, as is proven by witnesses, extending the said frie quarter at 18 shilllings Scots per diem the horse and man, and sex shilling[s] Scots the foot, in all to sex hundreth [and] seventie-eight pund[s], tuelve shilling[s]. Item, the same yeer 1644 the lord Herreis, for his joyning in armes with the marques of Montrose, wes forfalt and his haill rent and estate intrometted with for the use of the publict, the cropes 1644 and 1645 being ten thousand, sex hundreth [and] sextie-sex pund[s], threttein shilling[s] [and] four pennies Scots per annum, according to his oune declaration upon his word of honor, inde for the tuo yeers rent tuentie-one thousand, three hundreth [and] threttie-three pund[s], sex shilling[s] [and] eight pennies. Item, for the annualrent of the said sume from Mertymes 1645 to Witsunday 1661, being fiftein yeers and ane halff, at sex per cent, in all nyntein thousand, eight hundreth and fourty pund[s]. Item, in the yeer 1645 the Lord Herres, being with the late king's majestie at Duncaster2 and being seik, wes then taken prissoner be Major Leilburne and, as he declares upon his word of honor, ther wes taken from him be the said major one hundreth pund[s] sterline of gold, inde tuelve hundreth pund[s]. Item, the annualrent of that summe from Witsunday 1645 to Witsunday 1661, being sextein yeers at sex per centum, inde in all one thousand, one hundreth [and] fiftie-tuo pund[s]. Item, the Lord Herreis, being releived about a moneth therafter be David Leslie, he wes robed upon the Borders and his horse, bagage and moneys all taken from him to the value of sextie pund[s] sterline, as he declares upon his word of honor, inde seven hundreth [and] tuentie pund[s]. Item, in the yeer 1647 the committie of estates did impose upon the Lord Herres ane fyne of ten thousand pund[s] Scots which he payed to the Lord Kirkudbright's regiment as is justlie instructed be the recepts. Item, for the annualrent of the said summe from Witsunday 1647 to Witsunday 1661, being fourtein yeers, inde in all fourtein thousand, tuo hundreth3 pund[s]. Item, in the yeer 1649 the pretendit comittie of war of the stewartrie of Kirkcudbright, upon the accompt of disaffectednes, as they termed it, did force the Lord Herres to put out horse and foote and raised out of his estate nyne moneths' mantenance, amounting in all, as is instructed, to the sume of tuo thousand, fyve hundreth and tuentie pund[s]. Item, for the annualrent of the said sume from Witsunday 1649 to Witsunday 1661, being tuelve yeers at sex per centum, inde one thousand, eight hundreth and tuelve pund[s]. The abovewritten summs amounts, in the whole, to the sume of threscore, seventein thousand, three hundreth [and] tuentie and tuo pund[s], tuelve shilling[s] Scots money, which is besides the unsupportable burden of cess and quarterings the Lord Herres wes lyable to, with the rest of the kingdome, dureing the late unhappie troubles. Sic subscribitur, Montrose, Roxburghe, J. Gilmour, S[ir] Archibald Stirling, Robert Murray [and] John Bell.

Which report, being taken into consideration be the lord commissioner and estats of parliament, they appointed and appoints the same to be recorded in the books of parliament.

  1. NAS. PA2/27, f.98-99.
  2. 'and the king being necessitat to reteir from Duncaster' inserted in APS.
  3. 'eight thousand, four hundreth' in APS.