The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2025), date accessed: 15 February 2025
Act in favours of the earle of Southesk
Anent the supplication given in to the lord commissioner and estates of parliament be James, earle of Southesk, shewing that the said earle's deceist father, to whom he is air, being bund as cautioner for the deceast George, marques of Huntlie, grandfather to Charles now earle of Aboyn, to Sir James Murray for the sume of tuentie-tuo thousand pund[s] in anno 1636, as also in October 1639 the said earle of Southesk, his deceast father, wes bund as cautioner for the said deceast marques of Huntlie to the earle of Pearth and Lord Drummond, his son, for threttie thousand pund[s] as tocher with Ladie Anna Gordoun, therafter Ladie Drummond, both which sums, with the bypast annualrents therof did, at the terme of Witsunday 1660, extend to the sume of fiftie-eight thousand [and] tuentie-eight punds, eight shillings [and] eight pennies Scots money, for releiff of both which sums the said deceast marques of Huntlie did give a band of releiff to the deceast Archibald Campbell, late marques of Argyll, who wes also cautioner and to the said deceast David, earle of Southesk, wherupon infeftment immediatly followed, under the great seale in anno 1639, of the lands of Lochaber and Badyenoch, and cled with possession by uplifting the maills and dewties which wes imployed for paying of the annualrents of the saids sums for some yeers; and seing the said James, earle of Southesk, petitioner, is informed that the estate of Huntlie is appointed to be sequestrat and chamberlanes appointed for uplifting the maills and dueties therof who are to be comptable to his majesties' thesaurer, to the petitioner's great loss and prejudice, supplicateing therfor the lord commissioner and estates of parliament to take the petitioner's condition to consideration, and that it may be declared that no deid of parliament be prejudiciall to his right and interest, bot that he may be mantained in possession, conforme to his just right in maner at lenth mentioned in the said petition. Which petition, with the report of the lords of the articles theranent, being red and considered be the saids estates of parliament, they did approve the same and, therfor, our soverane lord, with advice and consent of the saids estates of parliament, ordaines the said James, earle of Southesk to be presently put in possession of uplifting furth of the lands of Lochaber and Badyenoch of als much of the rents, casualities, maills and dueties therof as will satisfie and pay to him ane yeer's ordinar annualrent and interest of the said principall sume of fiftie-eight thousand, tuenty-eight punds [and] eight shillings [and[ eight pennies money forsaid, extending the said annualrent yeerly to the sume of three thousand, four hundreth [and] fourscore one punds, eight shillings [and] eight pennies money forsaid, provydeing the said possession doe not strenthen nor coroborat his right to the saids lands, and this warrand to continew and endure only for ane yeer allenerly.
- NAS. PA2/27, f.91v-92.