[Commission for trial of witchcraft]

Commission to Mr Johne Prestoun, Major Johne Biggar, Johne Denholme of Murehouse, [...] Edgar, younger of Peppermilne, Mr William Litle of Overlibertoun and William Robertson in Southouse, or any three of them, for judgeing of Jonnet Matheson, Margaret Rid, Bessie Wilsone, Margaret Watson, Gilbert Wynd, Christine Bell, Agnes Bowie and Jonnet Nidrie in Gilmertoun, persons dilate guilty of the abhominable cryme of witchcraft, ther depositions being attested under the hands of the ministers and elders of the kirk session of Libertoun etc., with power to the saids commissioners or quorum forsaid to secure any others within the said paroche who are suspect and shall be dilate etc.

  1. NAS. PA2/27, f.91v.