Commission to earle of Eglingtoun anent William Wallace and others

Forsameikle as Thomas Reid within the paroche of Kilbarchane is apprehendit for the horrible cryme of incest, and als William Wallace, George Mcmillan, Francis Kennedie, Johne Wallace, Johne Abercrombie, Alexander Harrot, Christiane Litle, Johne Davieson and George Paterson are apprehendit and incarcerate for thift and robrie, and it being necesser that the standing lawes and acts of parliament of this realme be put to dew execution and justice accordingly administrat upon such offenders; therfor the king's majestie, with advice and consent of his estates of parliament, gives heirby power and commission to Hew, earle of Eglingtoun, lord Montgomerie and Kilwining etc., shirreff principall of the shirreffdome of Renfrew and heretable baillie of the baillierie of Cuninghame, and his deputs, to meit and conveen at such tymes and places as they shall appoint and ther to affix and hold courts, to call sutes, amerciat absents and uplift unlawes and amerciaments, to creat clerks, serjants, dempsters and all other officers and members of court neidfull, and in the saids courts to call the said Thomas Reid, William Wallace, George Mcmillan, Francis Kennedie, Johne Wallace, Johne Abercrombie, Alexander Harrot, Christian Litle, Johne Davieson and George Paterson, and to put them to their tryell and to the knowledge of ane assyse and, if they shall be fund guiltie of the crymes and facts abovewritten, to cause justice be administrat upon them conforme to the lawes of the kingdome, and to doe all other things which to the execution of this commission be the lawes of this realme is knoune to apperteane.

  1. NAS. PA2/27, f.91-91v.