Procedure: recommendation
Recommendation in favours of the lord advocat

The estates of parliament, takeing to their consideration the great paines and labour that Sir John Fletcher, his majesties' advocat, hes been put to in drawing, manageing and persueing the processes of forfaltour befor this parliament, with the many testimonies he hes given of his zeale and affection to his majesties' service both in that and in everie other occasion that occurred, besides his heartie engadgeing and great sufferings in his majesties' service at severall eminent opportunities dureing these troubles, doe recommend to the lord commissioner to represent the same to his majestie that his majestie may be pleased, in consideration thairof, to give him such allowance and mark of his royall favour as his majestie shall think fit.

  1. NAS. PA2/27, f.91.