The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2025), date accessed: 15 February 2025
Act and remit in favours of John George
The estates of parliament, haveing seen and considered a supplication presented be Johne George, son and air of the deceast Johne George, merchant burges of Edinburgh, shewing that the estates of this kingdome for the tyme, being adebted to the factors in Campheir fiftein thousand gilders, the saids estates layd it upon the burrows royall of Scotland to repay them, conforme wherunto the convention of burrowes, by their act dated 18 January 1641, undertooke the payment therof and obleidged themselffs, conforme to their taxt roll, to pay the same betuixt and the 13 May then next; trew it is that the said Johne George, father to the petitioner, did advance of the saids gilders four thousand, three hundreth and tuentie pund[s] Scots, as the act of estates granted to him therupon dated2 18 July 1644 at more lenth bears. Lykas, for the better payment to the said Johne George and remanent advancers of the saids gilders, the parliament for the tyme, by their act dated the last January 1645, ordained the excise of the severall burrowes royall to be collected by their magistrats and each burrowes' excise for the yeers 1645 and 1646 to be imployed and applyed in the first place for payment to the advancers within their respective burrowes of their severall proportions of the saids gilders advanced by them, conforme wherunto, the said Johne George receaved from the toun of Edinburgh parte of the saids gilders advanced by him; neverthelesse,3 Johne Jossie, as thesaurer of Edinburgh, receaved of the said excise eightein thousand pund[s], Sir Johne Smyth receaved eight thousand, seven hundreth [and] seventie-nyn pund[s] and Sir James Stewart receaved fyve thousand, tuo hundreth and tuentie pund[s]; and therfor, craveing that the toun of Edinburgh and the said Johne Jossie, Sir Johne Smyth and Sir James Stewart may be ordained conjunctlie and severallie to refound to the petitioner the sume of four thousand pund[s] yet resting unpayed of the forsaid principall sume4 as air to his father, with the interest thairof since Witsunday 1646 in maner at lenth specified in the said supplication. And also haveing considered the report underwritten of the Lord Halkertoun, shirreff of Crommertie and laird of Rickhartoun,5 commissioners appointed by the lords commissioners for trade and bills for takeing tryell of the said mater, who, haveing seen and at lenth considered the said supplication, with the haill instructions and verifications thairof forsaid with the acts of parliament and other writts aboveadduced, with the parties debate thervpon, they find that the excise of Edinburgh the saids tuo yeers 1645 and 1646 is affected and burdened be vertew of the said act of parliament, dated last January 1645, with the payment of the sums of money principall and annualrents due to the respective persons who advanced any parte of the saids gilders, and that no other debt ought to have been payed out therof untill the said sume had been first repayed to the advancers, and that the said Johne George should be refounded of the summs abovewritten due to him principall and anuellrents. But inregaird it is not yet made knoun whither the toun of Edinburgh, who had the collecting of the said excise the saids tuo yeers and receaved also parte therof or other particular persons who receaved also of the said excise, to whom none of the said gilders wes owing, which of the saids parties shall first be discust and ordained to refound the said excise to the said Johne George, the commissioners humbly conceave that that difference, which of the saids parties should be first discust and ordained to refound to the petitioner the said sume abovewritten acclamed by him, should be referred to the lords of session to determine therin, as the report subcryved with their hands beares. Thairfor, the king's majestie and estates of parliament approves the report abovewritten and have remitted and remits the haill bussines abovementioned to the lords of councill and session to be determined by them according to law and recommends to them the speedie dispatch therof.
- NAS. PA2/27, f.90v-91.
- '12 Junij 1641, with ane precept and act of parliament therupon dated' inserted in APS.
- 'thereafter' inserted in APS.
- 'to him' inserted in APS.
- 'Bruchtoun' in APS.