Act in favours of Johne Cuninghame

The estates of parliament, takeing to consideration that John Cuninghame, writter to his majesties' signet, hes been put to great paines and expences in writeing, attending and expeding of summons of treason against severall persons and other papers of publict concernment at this present parliament, doe modifie and allow the sume of fiftie pund[s] sterline to the said Johne Coninghame for his paines and charges in maner forsaid, and ordaines the same to be payed to him out of the first and readiest of these tuo moneths' mantenance imposed at Stirline in the yeer 1650 or 1651 for his majesties' use, or out of the remander of the moneth's mantenance which wes imposed for bringing home of the king's majestie in the yeer 1650, and appoints his majesties' thesaurer, thesaurer deput and receavers of his majesties' rents and others intrusted with the uplifting of the saids tuo moneths' mantenance to mak payment to the said Johne Coninghame of the forsaid sume of fiftie pund[s] sterline.

  1. NAS. PA2/27, f.89v.