The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2025), date accessed: 15 February 2025
Act in favours of the earle of Dundie
Our soverane lord and estates of parliament, haveing taken to consideration a supplication given in to them be Johne, earle of Dundie, shewing that the supplicant, haveing intendit action against the late marques of Argyll befor the lords commissiors for bills for recovering of possession of the supplicant's lands of Knockalloway and Auchlaboyle with the pertinents, fra which he wes violentlie dispossest by the said late marques of Argyll and, his lybell being admitted to probation, the supplicant's possession and lybell by the depositions of the witnesses wes cleirly proven and the bussinesse readie to have been reported, when his majestie, with advice and consent of the saids estates of parliament, in their justice did forfalt and condemne the said marques, wherby the supplicant wes lyke to be frustrat of justice and still keept out of his lands from which he wes violentlie dispossest, as said is, wnles his gracious majestie and estates of parliament provyd remeid; therfor, craveing that the supplicant might be repossest in his saids lands and pertinents thairof and that he may no longer be deteaned out of his oune just right and possession, and that the supplicant might be payed of the by run maills and dewties of the same lands. Which supplication, being heard, seen and considered be the saids estates of parliament, and they therwith, being well and ryplie advised, his majestie, with advice and consent of the saids estates of parliament, have granted and heirby grants the desire of the said supplication, and have ordained and ordaines the said Johne, earle of Dundie, supplicant, to be repossest in the said lands of Kirkallaway2 and Auchabyle3 with the pertinents therof, and lykwayes ordaines him to be payed of the maills and dewties of the same.
- NAS. PA2/27, f.86v.
- 'Knockalloway' in APS.
- 'Auchlaboyle' in APS.