Act in favours of the parishoners of Libbertoun

Anent the supplication given in to the lord commissioner his grace and estates of parliament at the instance of the gentlemen and heritors being parichoners of the paroche of Libbertoun, shewing that in the passages from the south and southeast to Edinburgh ther are diverse bridges and wayes without the which ther can be no saiff passage in the tyme of any speat or great raines, which bridges and wayes now by diverse invndations and speats of rain are so decayed, washen away and become unpassible that within short time they will become altogether unusefull, to the great hurt and prejudice of all who have occasion to come to Edinburgh those wayes, wnles the same be prevented by tymeous and speedie supplie and helpe; and therfor, the saids gentlemen and heritors, being parichoners of the said paroche, supplicants craveing that the lord commissioner his grace and estates of parliament wold grant warrand to them to choise and authorize ane man to exact and take for everie horse load of goods that shall repare to and from the citie of Edinburgh or elswher, by any of these passages, tuo pennies Scots money for the space of eleven yeers to come to be imployed for repareing and building of the saids bridges, which the saids supplicants ingadges and obleidges themselffs to doe sufficiently, as the supplication bears. Which being heard and considered be the lord commissioner and estates of parliament, and they being therwith, well and ryplie advised, his majestie, with advice and consent of his estates of parliament, find the desire of the supplication reasonable, and have given and granted and heirby give and grant full power and warrand to the gentlemen and heritors being parichoners of Libertoun to choise and authorize ane man to exact and take, for each horse load of goods that shall repare to and frae the burgh of Edinburgh or elswher, by any of these passages aforsaid, tuo pennies Scots for the space of eleven yeers to come to be imployed for the repareing and upholding of the saids bridges and hie wayes forsaids.

  1. NAS. PA2/27, f.86-86v.