Decreit [for] Alexander Squire against David Mooreheid

Anent a supplication presentit to the estates of parliament be Alexander Squire in Auchinbowie mentioning that he, being active in his majesties' service against the publict enemy, trew it wes that David Mooreheid of Tickitsheuch did make the same knoune to the then governour of Stirline with whom the said David keept intelligence, whervpon he caused a partie from Stirling hund the petitioner from place to place, banished his wiffe and old father and plundered his house, and als the said David Mooreheid informeing the garrison of Stirling that the petitioner sheltered the deceast Captane Wishart and others, wes therupon apprehended and imprissoned in Stirling Castle and transported to Halyrudehouse wher he remained for a long tyme, by which great toyle, hazard and sufferings the said David Mooreheid occasioned the damnifieing of the petitioner in above three thousand merks; and therfor, craveing that the said David Moorheid might be decerned to pay to the petitioner his cost, skaith and damnage as the supplication beares. And anent the warrand issued therupon and sumons given be ane messinger at armes to the said David Mooreheid personally apprehended, to have compeired befor the commissioners for bills at ane certane day bygone and ansuered to the said supplication and to have heard the desire therof granted, which being called and both the saids parties compeiring be their procurators, and the earle of Callander, Lord Garden and laird of Kilsyth, or any tuo of them, being appointed to consider the relivancy and probation of the said complaint and to make thair report theranent who, be the depositions of the witnesses adduced in the said mater, fund the said David Mooreheid to be ane intelligencer and that he procured a partie from the governour of Stirling for apprehending of the said Alexander Squire and his old father for sheltering of severall persons who past to joyne with the army in the hills, wherthrow he and his father wer forced to flie from their house to their great prejudice and losse. And haveing given in their report together with their opinion theranent to the estates of parliament wherwith they, being well and ryplie advised, the king's majestie, with advice and consent of his estates of parliament, decernis and ordaines the said David Mooreheid to content and pay to the said Alexander Squyre the sume of fyve hundreth pund[s] Scots money for reparation of his losses and damnage sustained be him in maner abovewritten, and ordaines letters etc.

  1. NAS. PA2/27, f.85v.