The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2025), date accessed: 15 February 2025
Act anent the payment of the allowance of the commissioner of the shire of Sutherland by the heritors etc.
The estates of parliament, being informed that ther be only tuo inhabitants within the shire of Sutherland holding land of the king's majestie, the remanent heritors being either vassalls to the earle of Sutherland or holding their lands of some other superiors, so that according to the generall act the allowance of the charges of the commissiors of that shire to the parliament cannot be raised unlesse the same be extendit to all other heritors and frie holders of the shire holding lands of other superiors; thairfor his majestie, with advice and consent of the estates of parliament, statuts and ordaines that the ordinary allowance of fyve pund Scots per diem includeing the first and last dayes of the parliament, with eight dayes for their comeing and als much for their returne, for the shire of Sutherland shall be allowed to each of the commissioners of that shire, and shall be imposed and raised proportionally from all and sindrie heritors, fewars, lyverenters and frie holders within the said shire, whither they be vassalls to the king's majestie or holding the lands of any other superiors whatsoever, according to the rents of their lands within the shire, and that letters be direct chargeing all and sindrie the heritors and others forsaids to conveen at Dornoch upon a speciall day for setting doun and divyding the proportion aforsaid, with power to them or such of them as shall in obedience thairof conveen at the said day, to set doun the severall proportions of the allowance forsaid to be payd be each heritor, fewar, lyverenter and freeholder abovenamed; as also, a tent pennie more of the saids haill sumes so imposed for the charge and expence in collecting therof and that letters of horning be direct at the commissioner's instance for payment of the same upon fiftein dayes, and if payment be not made within the dayes of the charge so that ther shall be necessity of poinding, in that caice it shall be lawfull to poind for the double of the sums charged for, and no suspension to be granted bot upon consignation.
- NAS. PA2/27, f.84v-85.