The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2025), date accessed: 15 February 2025
Act for payment of the proportions of the 80,000 merks due by the burrows etc.
Forasmuch as be an act of a pretendit parliament dated the fourt of July 1650 yeers it is ordained that the sume of fourscore thousand merks, formerlie appointed be ane other act to be payed be the royall burrows for their proportion of the foote levey then raised, should be payed in to his majesties' receavers for defraying of his majesties' necessarie and personall charges, with the burden of ten thousand merks for the use of the castle of Edinburgh and other fyve thousand merks due to Johne Hamiltoun, for which the late marques of Argyll and some others wer bund, and ordained letters of horning upon a simple charge of ten dayes to be direct at the instance of his majesties' receavers against the magistrats of burghs or any of them for payment of their severall proportions of the saids sums, conforme to the devision thairof made be ane act of the convention of burrowes dated at Edinburgh, the tuentie-eight day of July 1650; and the estates of parliament, considering that many debts wer taken on at that time for his majesties' use, and that ther be diverse sums owing for furnishing to his majestie and diverse of his servants, and finding it just that these who have not payed their proportions of the saids summs should yet pay the same for the uses aforsaid, doe therfor statute and ordaine that all and sindrie the royall burrowes, who have not as yet payed their severall proportions of the saids sums, shall now pay the same; and for that effect, his majestie, with advice of his estates of parliament, ordaines letters to be direct at the instance of his majesties' thesaurer, deput thesaurer and receavers of his majesties' rents, against the magistrats of the royall burrowes for payment of what is resting unpayed of thair said severall proportions of the sume abovewritten, to the end the same may be applyed for the uses aforsaid, and that the letters of horning be upon fiftein dayes, and that no suspension be granted bot upon consignation.
- NAS. PA2/27, f.83v.