Procedure: commission for collecting maintenance
Commission to his majesties' thesaurer for uplifting of the tuo moneths' mantenance imposed in 1651 etc.

Forasmuch as be ane act of the pretendit parliament keept at [Perth], the last of March 1651 it is appointed and ordained that one full and inteir moneth's mantenance be payed by the whole shires of the kingdome to be imployed for his majesties' use by and attour all impositions imposed preceiding the date of the said act, and ordained the same to be payed to the thesaurer deput and the receavers of his majesties' rents for his majesties' use, lykas be ane other act of the fyft of Junij therafter it is ordained that ane other whole moneth's mantenance be uplifted for his majesties' oune propper use furth of the wholl shires and burghs of this kingdome, by and attour all impositions preceiding the date of the said act, and gave full power to Sir Daniell Carmichaell, thesaurer deput, or any haveing his order for receaveing thairof, and ordained the same to be collected and uplifted in the same forme as the former mantenance wes both in burgh and land as the saids tuo acts bears; and forasmuch as the saids tuo moneths' mantenance, be occasion of the troubles of the tyme, could not then be raised, and that ther is diverse sums of money yet owand to severall persons for provisions and other necessars to his majestie and his familie and for furnishings of his house and other things of that nature, and it being just that the same should be payed, and that what wes so cheerfully and necessarlie given at that time should not now be withdrawne from his majesties' use, thairfor, the estates of parliament ordaines the rests of these tuo moneths' mantenance abovementioned to be collected, ingathered and applyed for his majesties' use, as said is, and for that effect his majestie, with advice forsaid, doth heirby give warrand and commission to his majesties' thesaurer, deput thesaurer and receavers of his majesties' rents to raise, collect and uplift what is resting owing unpayed of the saids tuo moneths' mantenance in the severall shires and burghs of this kingdome. But because diverse of the shires wer at that time destroyed or overburthened by the English usurpers, his majestie, with advice forsaid, hes thought fit and accordingly doth heirby grant unto them the abatements following videlicit, that the shires of Berwick, Edinburgh, Hadingtoun and Linlithgow, and the burghs therin, inregaird of their knoune vastation, be inteirlie freed and exempted from these tuo moneths' mantenance; that the shire of Lanerick be exempted of tuo parts and onlie lyable for a thrid parte; that the toun of Glasgow be exempted of three parts and be only lyable in a fourt parte; that the shires of Air and Ranfrew, and burghs therin, be exempted from one halff and lyable for the other halff, provyded that the benefite of the exempted halff be not extendit to those who joyned in armes with Ker and Strachan and did not acknowledge his majesties' command; that the shire of Peibles, and burghs therin, be exempted of a thrid only and be lyable in other tuo parts; that the shires of Roxburgh, Selkirk and Dumfreis be exempted of a fourt parte and be lyable for the other three parts, and inregaird that the shires of Fiffe, Kinrosse, Stirline, Clakmanan, Pearth, Forfar, Kincarden, Aberdeen and Bamff, and the burghs therin, did in the tyme undergoe burdens far greater then their proportions of the said mantenance, they are inteirly freed and exempted from the same; and it is appointed and declared that all other shires and burghs of the kingdome are lyable for what is yet resting owing be them unpayed of the saids tuo moneths' mantenance and, if any parte of the same have been payed be the shires and burghs to their collectors, that the said collectors be lyable for the same and mak compt and payment therof to his majesties' thesaurer and deputy thesaurer. And to the end that the same with the rests therof may be the more speedily collected and disposed of for the use forsaid, his majestie, with advice forsaid, ordaines letters of horning upon 15 dayes, poinding and others necessars, to be direct at the instance of his majesties' thesaurer and deputy thesaurer against the heritors, lyverenters, wodsetters, collectors and others adebted in payment of the said tuo moneths' mantenance, ilk ane of them for their oune parts of the same sua far as they are resting in maner forsaid, and that no suspension be granted but upon consignation, provyded alwayes that no singular successor who hes bought lands since the tyme of the rests shall be lyable in the payment of these rests for these lands so bought, except they be particularly obleidged therto.

  1. NAS. PA2/27, f.82v-83.