Act in favours of Mr John Hay

The estates of parliament, haveing heard a supplication presented be Mr Johne Hay of Haystoun, one of the clerks of session, shewing that be ane act of parliament at Perth, the last of March 1651 the sume of one thousand merks Scots money wes appointed to have been payed to him for his great paines and travell taken be him as one of the clerks of parliament at tuo severall sessions thairof preceiding the date of the said act, and inregaird that the supplicant hes not gotten payment of the said sume, thairfor, craveing that some effectuall course might be taken for payment of the same, as the supplication bears. Which being taken into consideration. the king's majestie, with advice of his estates of parliament, ordaines the forsaid sume of one thousand merks to be payed to the said Mr Johne Hay out of the first and readiest of the rests of that moneth's mantenance of the shirreffdoms of Wigtoun and Kirkudbright and burghs therin appointed for defraying of the charges of homebringing the king's majestie in the yeer 1650, and ordaines letters of horning to be direct for that effect upon a simple charge of 15 days etc.

  1. NAS. PA2/27, f.82v.