Act in favours of the burgh of Culrose

Our soveran lord and estates of parliament, takeing to consideration that albeit the burgh of Culrose, being a seaport and situat in a fit place of the shire whervnto most parte of the inhabitants and others useing trade doe ordinarly resort at publict mercats and fairs, for buying and selling of all necesar commodities, yet the said burgh and inhabitants therof are much prejudged throw the want of some more mercats and fairs yeerly nor formerlie they have been in use to keep; therfor, the king's majestie, with advice of his estates of parliament, doe allow unto the magistrats and councill of the said burgh of Culrose and thair successors tuo frie fairs yeerly more nor formerly they wer in use to have, to be keept and holden within the said burgh in maner following, to wit, one of the saids fairs upon the second Tuisday of February and the other upon the thrid Tuisday of July yeerly in tymecomeing, each of the saids fairs to endure the space of tuo dayes, with full power to the magistrats and councill of the said burgh and thair successors be themselffs, or such as they shall appoint, to collect, gather, intromet with and uplift the tolls, customes, casualities and other dues of the saids fairs used and wont, conforme to the antient customs in lyk caces, and recommends to the lords of his majesties' exchequer to passe ane signator heirupon in favours of the said burgh of Culrose in sick due and competent forme as effeirs.

  1. NAS. PA2/27, f.82v.