Act in favours of the earle of Callander and others

The estates of parliament, takeing to their consideration a supplication presented unto them be James, earle of Callander, James, lord Forester, Johne Murray of Polmais, Sir William Levingstoun of Westquarter, William Levingstoun of Langtoun, Normand Levingstoun of Milnehill, the aires of umqhile James Levingstoun, portioner of Falkirk, Sir William Callander of Durrator and several other gentlemen of the shire of Stirline mentioning that they, being imployed in the Engadgement 1648, for his majesties' releiff out of prisson and restitution to his royall government wer, at their returne from that expedition, most rigorouslie used by the pretendit authority of some unnaturall cuntriemen who ruled for the tyme, and ordained them and other engadgers within that shire to put out ane exorbitant number of horse and foot in leveys of that yeer far amounting thair proportions, and that by way of fyne for their loyaltie, humbly desireing that the summs of money, so exorbitantly exacted, might be refounded unto them; and the king's majestie, finding it just that they should be releived of these burdens and sufferings they wer lyable to for their loyaltie, doe therfor ordaine the commissioners of the excise within the shire of Stirline to give intimation to the heritors to meit at Stirline upon the [...] day of [...] nextocome, and that then, with the concurrence of such as shall meit, they lay on the proportions of that levey then imposed after the Engadgement according to the generall rule of burdens, that the petitioners may be freed and releived and have repetition of what they payed and gave out more nor their just and equall proportions, and the proportions being casten and set doun under the commissiors hands, ordaines letters to be direct for payment accordingly.

  1. NAS. PA2/27, f.81v.