Procedure: recommendation and commission
Recommendation in favours of the creditors of forfalted persons

The estates of parliament, considering that many well affected persons and fatherles children, hospitalls and others are concerned in the greatest parte of their fortunes and lyveliehoods by the persons forfaulted in this parliament who, befor the committing of the crymes for which they wer forfaulted had the fortunes and estates of the saids persons entrusted to them and in their hands, so that unles some regaird be had as to the satisfaction of their debts, many honest families and innocent persons of all conditions will be brought to rwine and beggerie, and the parliament being confident of his majesties' justice and his tender care of the good of his people, doe therfor recommend to his majesties' commissioner to represent the same to his majestie that, in the disposall of the forfaltors, respect may be had to the satisfaction of the just and lawfull creditors and, that his majestie may have a right accompt therof, comission is given for takeing ane exact tryell of the creditors' clames and the grounds therof, and a report of the same is, with all diligence, to be returned to his majestie.

  1. NAS. PA2/27, f.78v-79.