[Supplication read and parties cited before certain members of parliament]

Prayers heard and rolls callit.

Supplicatioune givin in be the lord duik of Hamiltoun and his lady redd. His matie and parliament ordanes the parteis to be ceitted to compeir befor the lords Cranston, Humbie, Tofts, Clerkingtoune and Bromhall, or any tuo of thame, at suche day and place as they shall appoynt, to quhom his matie and parliament gives full pooer and comissione to examine the witnesses to ly and remayne in retentis, reserving to the debttors all ther defenses both in causa and aganes the witnesses to be disputt befor the lords of session. And ordanes the place of citatioune of thoise furth of the cuntrie to be Bruntyland. And grants libertie to the fyve lords, or any tuo of thame, to receave witnesses wpoun the hazard of the producer incaice of necessitie altho the dayes of the citatioune of thois out of the cuntrie be not expyred.

[Addition to the membership of the committee for the business concerning the committee of war of Stirlingshire and tenants of Kilsyth; supplication remitted to the committee of estates]

His matie and parliament addis to the comitte for Stirlingshyre bill the erle [of] Weymes, Viscount Arbuthnet, Eskcog and Craigdarroch, Johne Bosuell and James Richartson.

Supplicatioune laird [of] Harthill redd and remitted to the comittee of estaitts to do therin as they think fitt, and the supplication givin with the remitt therwpoun to the supplicant.

[Supplication remitted to the committee for the business concerning the committee of war of Stirlingshire and tenants of Kilsyth; supplication read and citation granted; prisoners set at liberty]

Supplicatioun heritors of Dumbartan shyre redd and remitted to the comittee appoynted for the bill givin in be the shyre of Stirlein and in the same termes.

Supplicatioun vassells and tenents of the lord duik of Lennox redd. His matie and parliament grants citatioune and ordanes the parteis who ar imprisoned to be sett at libertie and the horse of suche as have not givin band to be givin bak.

[Act approved; supplication read and payment granted; supplication approved]

Act anent the wplifting of the monthes mentenance appoynted for his maties charges and comissioners be Johne Wallace and Andro Skeene from the collectors past in parliament.

Supplicatioune toun of Dundie red, and appoynts 4 s. a day to be payed to ilk man from the day they cam from Dundie, and the lyk for Perth, to be allowed in ther mentenance.

Supplicatioune Robert Fair, sojour lamed, redd and past, and he ordaned to have the benefeit of the act.

[Supplication remitted to the committee for the business concerning the committee of war of Stirlingshire and tenants of Kilsyth; parliament to adjourn; act approved and ordered to be proclaimed]

Supplicatioune fewars of Muckart and Doller redd and remitted to the comittee appoynted to heir the bill givin in be the shyre of Stirling.2

His matie and parliament, efter voyceing, ordanes this sessione of parliament to close the morrow, and the parliament to adjurne to suche a day as they shall think fitting.

Act anent complyence with the enemy redd, voyced and past in parliament, and ordanes the same to be published and proclamed at the croce of Stirling with sownd of trumpett.

[Letter ordered to be written concerning the transport of the registers and warrant granted for associated expenses; act approved and ordered to be proclaimed]

His matie and the parliament ordanes a letter to be wreattin to the clerk of register for haisting the transport of the registers according to former ordors, and gives warrand to the generall commissar to defray the expenses of the transport.

Act aganes the remonstrance redd, voyced and past in parliament, and ordanes the day appoynted for these to com in within the shyres of Fyff, Perth, Stirling, Dumbartan, Edinburgh, Lithgow, Air, Ranfrew and Lanrick to be betuix and the 20 day of this instant; and for others, the last of this instant. And this act lykwayes to be proclamed the morrow at the croce of Stirling.

[Act approved; continuation]

Act anent the subscryvers of the bands for secureing religione red, voyced and past in parliament.

Ordanes the nixt meitting of parliament to be the morrow at eight houris.

  1. NAS. PA3/2, f.205v-206r.
  2. This paragraph is unreadable due to muslin having been placed over it to prevent the page disintegrating. Source is therefore APS.