The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2025), date accessed: 11 February 2025
[Oaths taken; letter read; supplications read and delayed]
Prayers heard and rolls callit.
The Lord Madertie did subscryve the band for securing religion and work of reformation and took the oath of parliament.
Letter from the laird [of] Lochyell to the marquis [of] Argyll redd in parliament.
Supplicatioune Generall Liuetenent David Leslie anent the stait and effairs of the armie redd. His matie and parliament ordanes hartie thanks to be returned to him for his care and declars they will tak the letter in consideration.
Supplicatioune reformeir officiars redd in parliament, and ordanes the generall officiars to considder of a list of the wholl reformeir officiars and ther qualificationes to the comittee of estaitts, and therefter his matie declairs he will call to himselff the generall officiars and tak in consideration the saids reformeir officiars and als the officiars alreadie imployed in the armie and thair qualificationes and attendance.
[Supplication remitted to the committee for the business concerning the committee of war of Stirlingshire and the tenants of Kilsyth; supplications remitted to the committee of estates]
Supplicatioune Lord Erskyne redd and remitted to the comittee appoynted for hearing the supplicatioune givin in be the shyre of Stirling.
Supplicatioune from the communitie and incorporatioune of Glasgow redd and the wholl three bills remitted to the comittee of estaitts, with pooer to thame to determein therin.
[Payment of sums due to the garrison of Stirling; draft acts and overture remitted to the several bodies; continuation]
His matie and parliament ordanes the sowme due to the gariesone of Stirling be the toun of Glasgow to be presentlie payed be the said toun, and ordanes the same to be collected in the ordinar [way] and obedience to be givin to the magistrats in collecting therof. And the lyk course to be takin for the kingis money.2
3Draught of ane act aganes the remonstrance [and] ane uther aganest complyence with the enemy redd and remitted to the severall bodyes, with the act concerning the subscryvers of the bands for securitie of religione etc. and the overtur anent those who ceittes any persones, subscryvers of the band, as contraveiners and dois not prevaill in the persuitt.
The overture anent the money belonging to the lords of session remitted to be considdered be the severall bodyes.
Ordanes the bodyes to meitt at tuo efternun, and the parliament at fyve.
- NAS. PA3/2, f.205r-205v.
- This paragraph is unreadable due to muslin having been placed over it to prevent the page disintegrating. Source is therefore APS.
- 'Bodyes' written in the margin.