The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2025), date accessed: 8 February 2025
[Sermon given; rolls called; oath taken; president of parliament elected; exhibition of the honours]
Sermon maid by Mr James Durhame. Rolls callit.
The oath of parliament redd and takin by all the members of parliament who wer present.
The tuo acts of parliament anent the electione of ane president of parliament, on[e] in anno 1641 and the other in anno 1647 being redd, tharefter the Lord Burghley wes, efter voyceing, elected and choysin president for this sessione of parliament.
The lord marquis of Argyll, for himselff and in name of the remanent commissioners for the thesurarie, askit instruments wpoun the productione of the honors, viz: the croun, scepter and sword, for his and thair exoneratione, and therwpoun askit instruments. Lykas therefter the honors wer by his maties and the parliament's ordor delyvered to Sir Williame Keath of Ludquhin, in name of the Erle Marchell, to be keepit during this sessione of parliament.
[Submission of business from the committee for the affairs of the army; remit to the king concerning deserters from the army]
Ordanes the comittee for the effairs of the armie to give in suche particulars as they have to represent to the king and parliament concerning the armie the morrow.
Remittis to the kingis matie to call the generall officiars that course may be takin anent runawayes who ar takin on of new in the armie.
[Act and letter approved; associated business remitted to the committee for monies; amounts of money to be voluntarily supplied]
Act anent the voluntar loane of money, with ane letter to the severall comitteeis of war and presbetries theranent, redd and approvin in parliament, and remitts the way for dispatche of the act and letteris to the severall presbetries and comittee of war to the comittee for money; and nominatts Mr Johne Drumond collector, and remits to the said comittee what consideratioune shalbe givin to the collector; and appoynts the viscount of Arbuthnot, Sir James Morrey and Andro Glen to go throw the members of parliament and committeeis that ar in toun, that they may evrie man subscryve what they ar to len, and ordanes the Lord Balcarras, laird [of] Humby and Sir Robert Ferquhar to go throw the officiars of the army for that effect.
[Commission approved; continuation]
Comissione for visitatioune of the universitie of Glasgow past and ordaned to continew till the first [of] November.
Ordanes the comittee for provisiones to meitt this night.
Ordanes the nixt meitting of parliament to be the morrow at nyne hours.
Minuttis redd.
- NAS. PA3/2, f.199r.
This recto has been chemically treated to make it more readable at some time in the past, but this has been counter-productive.