[Supplications remitted to the committee for military affairs; act approved; report remitted to the several bodies]

Prayers heard and rolls callit.

Supplicatioune erle [of] Eglintoun redd and remitted to the committee of militarie effairs.

2Supplicatioune officiars of his maties foot guaird redd. Remitted to the comittee of the militarie effaires sua far as concernes the first part, with pooer to thame to call the generall commissar and speik with him so that the sowme of 7,000 merks may be maid effectuall to thame, and ordanes the companies of the said regiment to be recrewted according to the act of the comittee of estaitts of the 10 of Januar last.

Act anent ane monthes mentenance to be payed be the shyres benorth Forth for the use of the armie red, voyced and past, and ordained to stand of the former daitt, quhilk is the 14 of Marche.

3Report from the comittee for raising of money redd and remitted to the severall bodyes.

[Supplication remitted to the committee for military affairs; supplication and report approved; draft act remitted to the several bodies]

4Supplicatioune officiars of the gariesone of Stirling redd and remitted to the comittee of militarie effairs.

Supplicatioune Williame Sympsone, bailyie of Dysert, with the report therwpon, redd and approvin.

5Draught of ane act anent the crying wp of the money, with ane list givin in therwith, redd and remitted to the severall bodyes.

[Supplication remitted to the committee for the bills; supplication approved; act extended and approved]

6Supplicatioune laird [of] Philorth remitted to the comittee of bills.

Supplicatioune parochinars of Kirkmichell and Inverewin redd and past.

7Act of restitutione of Lewis Gordoun aganes the decreet and sentence of forfaultrie ledd and deducit aganes the laitt marquis of Huntlie and reponeing the said Lues to the honor, dignitie and estaitt of marquis of Huntlie redd in parliament, voyced and past.

His matie and estaitts of parliament declars that no restitutione aganes a sentence of foirfaultor shall tak aff any uther incapacitie or ty lying wpoun the persone restored except the uther incapacities and tyes be expreslie takin aff and discharged by the restitutione, and ordanes ane act to be extendit.

[Query remitted to the several bodies; supplication remitted to the committee for military affairs; committee for managing the affairs of army ordered to be appointed]

The queere sett down wpoun the 24 of Marche remitted again to be considdered by the severall bodyes, whairwpoun they withdrew for a little tyme.

8Supplicatioune general commissar remitted to the comittee for the militarie effaires.

9It being putt to the questione whither or not thair shall be a comittee for manadging the effairs of the armie, comptable only to the king and parliament, and in whiche suche persones may be members who wer formerlie secludit by acts of parliament, being qualifeid as is exprest in the returne of the comissionars of the kirk, it wes voyced affirmative.

[Continuation; committee for considering means of probation of the summons of treason against Captain Archibald Strachan and others]

Ordanes the severall bodyes to meitt at eight hours the morrow, the committies at ten and the parliament at tuo efternun.

10The noblemen nominat Viscount Newburgh [and] Lord Balcarras, the barrones nominat Clerkingtoun and Toftis, the burrowis nominat James Glen and Williame Waker, with the lord advocatt, to be a comittee for considdering of the meanes of probatioune of the sumonds of treason aganes Strauchane, Dundas etc.

  1. NAS. PA3/2, f.151r-151v.
  2. 'Militarie effairis' written in the margin.
  3. 'Bodyes' written in the margin.
  4. 'Militarie effairis' written in the margin.
  5. 'Bodyes' written in the margin.
  6. 'Billis' written in the margin.
  7. 'Marquis [of] Huntlie' written in the margin.
  8. 'Militarie effairis' written in the margin.
  9. 'Voyce anent the comittee' written in the margin.
  10. 'Comittee for considdering the means of probatioun of the summondis of treason' written in the margin.