
For alsmekle as the lordis of the thre estatis deput til avyis [apoune the mone consideris] the grete romour that is past becaus of diversiteis of payment with[in the realme throu] the takking in of the rentis be the auld payment and gevis it oute a[gane be a derrar] price, and alsa thai consider wele that to tak the payment of the [rentis be ane he] price and gif it oute agane be the same price, considering alsa that the [penny worthis ar] rysin with the penny and mekle derrar than thai war wont to be, that, [sulde the mone] have generaly cours be the hie price, that ilk man that suld ressaue ony ren[tis war skathit] the ferde or the fyft part of his rent, quhilk war til hevy to tha[me in all estatis]; and for til eschew the romour hereof and to content the commones, it is stat[ute and ordanyt] that the [mone have fra hinefurth] universaly a cours throw out the realme. And alsa2 that the actis made apoune the bringing in of the bulleonge within the realme and als of th[...] of the keping of the money within the realme be observit and kepit under [rycht far] and hevy painnis, and richt sa uthiris statutis made for the keping o[f the sammyn], that it pas nocht uteuth the realme.3 Alsa it is ordanit [that unto] the tyme that it be avisit be the wysest of the realme and thai that unders[tandis thame] best thairin beand deput thairto, and at grete laser as efferis to dispone [apone the] moneth,4 as sal be sene maist spedefull for the profit of the realme, that [in the] meyne tyme fra this houre furth the Scottis money, that is [to say the demy], the lyone, the grot of the croune and the grote of the floure de lis [and] the small penny and the fardyng sal have the same cours that thai [hade of befor] the first proclamacioune made in the parliament in the moneth of5 [October, that is] to say the demy and the lyon x s', the grote of the croune xij [d', the floure] de lis vj d' ob'. And as for the money of uthir realmes, to dr[aw it within the] cuntre, thai ordane it til have cours the Inglisnoble of the Rose [and the aulde] Edward6 xxviij s', the noble of the Hary xxiiij s' the le[w xxiiij s'], the Franchcroune xj s', the Salus and the Rydar til have [cours as thai hade of] before, and the aulde Inglis grote xiij d' and the new gro[t xj d', the Inglis penny iij d'], the spurrit grote xiij d'. The Scottis penny to hafe hale cours [as thai hade of befor, ande the fardingis to tak iij s' in the l']. And atour, the lordis ordanis that gif ony man has made ony [cotract sene the last] proclamacioune or borowit or lent or boght or saulde sen the sai[de tyme, thai sall pay] with sic lik money and sic like valeur as it had cours in the ty[me quhen thai maide] thair contract, borowit or lent, boght or saulde, etc. And thi[s privilege till] endure to thaim quhill the feste of Lammes next tocum, [and na langer, for thar] payment etc., and to out red [thaim self].

Item, the lord[is thinkis speidfull at thair be ane sessione efter the forme of the sessiounis last haldin ande with siklik power. And lordis to be chosyn to syt thairapone and the place to be lymmit. Ande the borovis to be continevit, the prelatis, the baronis]8 [...]9 for thair part, and the commissaris for thair part, and the [lai]fe to be referrit to the actis made of before.

Item, it is statute that na ky, oxin, schepe nor uthir catel be sellit out of the realme be nane of the kingis liegis under paine of eschete, and the wardane sal hafe na licence to gif powere in the contrare hereof.

Item, that thair salbe bot ij sessiounis, ane in Edinburgh and ane in Pert. And the cessioune of Edinburgh to sit a moneth and the cessioune in Pert v wulkis; the cessioune of Perth' to begyne the first Monunday October, the cessioune of Edinburgh the xv day of November.

[Ite]m, as to the justice aris, nocht withstanding that thair is part of thaim is set in feriale tyme, [th]at never the les for the gude of pece the aris that ar now set salbe lauchfull for serving [of brevis], falsing of domes and doing of al uthir13 justice, quhilk aris, [and all thingis] to be done in thaim, the lordis of parliament autoriyes, ratifiis and approfis.

  1. NAS, PA2/1, f.55r. Right hand margin much decayed, some words have been lost since Thomson's edition. These are given in square brackets.
  2. Deleted - 'avis and thinkis spied[...]'; 'thai ordane'.
  3. Deleted - 'And this beand done the lordis ordanit'.
  4. Recte, 'mone'.
  5. Deleted - 'No' (ie scribe began to write 'November').
  6. Thomson inserts '[kepande pase]' here. Not in MS, not a lacuna.
  7. NAS, PA2/1, f.55r-v. Right hand margin much decayed, some words have been lost since Thomson's edition. These are given in square brackets.
  8. The section in brackets is obliterated by damage at the bottom of the folio. Text from APS, ii. The act is also found in full in the 1566 printed acts (with different orthography).
  9. Deleted - 'expensis of thaim that'.
  10. NAS, PA2/1, f.55v.
  11. NAS, PA2/1, f.55v.
  12. NAS, PA2/1, f.55v.
  13. Deleted - 'lauchfull thingis quhilk'.