[Sermon given; oath taken; president of parliament elected; exhibiton of the honours]

Sermon maid by Mr Robert Young.

The oath of parliament, being redd, wes takin by all memberis of parliament who wer present.

The tuo actis of parliament anent the electione of ane president of parliament, on[e] in anno 1641 and other in Marche 1647, redd in parliament. Efter reiding whairof, the Lord Burghley wes nominat and elected president for this sessione of parliament.

The lord marquis of Argyll, for himselff and in name of the remanent commissioners of the thesurarie, did exhibeitt in face of parliament the honors, viz: the croun, scepter and sword, and therwpoun askit instruments, whiche wer delyvered to the laird of Scottiscraig in name of the Erle Marchell, to be keepit by him during this sessione of parliament.

[Committees ordered to be appointed; addition to the committee for grievances]

The kingis matie and estaitts of parliament ordanes ane committee of three of evrie estaitt, with the generall officiars, to be nominat by the parliament for the militarie effairs, ane other comittee of tuo of evrie estaitts for overturs, and ane threid comittee of bills of fyve of evrie estaitt, the threid part of evrie comittee to be the quorum promiscuus.

Ordanes ane comittee for reveising the acts of the comittee to be named, consisting of 3 of evrie estaitt, the quorum ut supra.

Ordanes three to be addit to the comittee of grevances, whiche wes formerlie choysin be the comittee of estaitts, with pooer to the said comittee of grevances to determeyne, and the principall with the addition to continew till the nixt sessioun of parliament, the quorum ut supra, with pooer to determeyne betuix master and tennents.

Ordanes three of evrie estaitt to be choysen as a comittee to confer with the comissioners for the generall assemblie.

[Business concerning Mr James Guthrie and Mr David Bennett read and remitted to the committee for the conference with the kirk; all members of parliament allowed to attend committees]

The appeall givin in to the comissioners for the generall assemblie be Mr James Guthrie and Mr David Bennett, with ane letter from the comittee of estaitts to the saids Mr James and Mr David of the 14 of Februar, with ane other letter lykwayes to thame of the 19 of Februar, togidder also with the saids Mr James and Mr David and ther tuo ansers therto and protestationes, both of the 22 of Februar, in severall papers redd in parliament (and givin wp to Mr Thomas Henrysone) and remitted to the committee for the conference.2

His matie and estaitts licentiats any member of parliament to be present at any of the comitteeis.

[Committee for the bills, committee for overtures, committee for military affairs and committee for the conference with the kirk elected]

3The noblemen nominat for the comittee for the bills: erle [of] Tweddaill, Newburgh, Lord Torphichane, Coupar [and] Cranstone. The barrones nominatis: Clerkingtoun, Keith, Stobbis, Lamertoun [and] Luss. The burrows nominat: Robert Davidson, George Gardyne, Williame Sympson, Robert Whyte and George Jamison, to meitt in the parliament hous.

4The noblemen nominat for the overturs: the erle [of] Linlithgow, erle of Buccleuch [and] erle [of] Weymes. Barrones nominat: Nidderie, Cavers and Skirling. The burrows nominat: Andro Glen, George Jamison and Johne Bosuell, to meitt in Buccleuches hous.

5The noblemen nominat for the militarie effairs: marquis [of] Argyll, erle [of] Cassills [and] Lord Balcarrais. The barrones nominat: Toftis, Nauchtoun [and] Freeland. The burrowis nominat: Sir Johne Smyth, Andro Grant and James Sword, to meitt in Argyll's chalmer.

6The noblemen nominat for the conference with the kirk: marquis [of] Argyll, erle [of] Cassills [and] erle [of] Buccleuch. The barrones nominat: Clerkingtoun, Cavers [and] Nidderie. Burrowis nominat: Sir Johne Smyth, Andro Grant [and] James Suord.

[Intimation to the commissioners of the kirk concerning the conference; committee for revising the acts of the committee of estates elected]

Ordanes the erle [of] Cassills, the shireff [of] Tiviedaill [and] James Sword to acquaynt the comissioners of the kirk that ther is sum persones appoynted for conference with thame and to appoynt a tyme, and ordanes Scottiscraig to acquaynt the ministers of Stirling not to go aff toun.

7The noblemen nominat for the comittee for reveising the acts of the comittee of estaitts: erle [of] Eglintoun, Lothian [and] Roxburgh. The barrones nominat: Cragdarroch, Escoge [and] Mouswald. The burrowis nominat: Robert Whyt, George Jamison and George Gardyn, to meitt in Eglintones chalmer.

[Additions to the committee for grievances; continuation]

8The noblemen addis to the comittee of greevances formerlie appoynted be the comittee of estaitts: the Lord Mongomrie, Lord Yester [and] Lord Angus. The barrones addis Bauchiltoun, Lochtour and Mr Thomas Murrey. The burrowis addis David Wilkie, Robert Arnot and Mr Johne Pattersone, to meitt in ther ordinar place.

Ordanes the comittee for the militarie effairs to meitt presentlie, the haill remanent comissiones to meitt the morrow at eight hours and the parliament at tuo efternun.

  1. NAS. PA3/2, f.143r-144r.
  2. Written in Robert Mylne's hand, 'Nota: thir 2 rogues and all the remonstratoris we in concert with Argyle for ruineing the king and espouseing Cromwellis intrest'.
  3. 'Billis' written in the margin.
  4. 'Overturis' written in the margin.
  5. 'Militarie effairis' written in the margin.
  6. 'Conference' written in the margin.
  7. 'Reveising the actis' written in the margin.
  8. 'Additouns to grevances' written in the margin.