The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2024), date accessed: 7 December 2024
[Supplication remitted to the committee for the bills; report approved; orders for Campbeltown]
Prayeris heard and rolls callit.
2Supplicatioune Sir George Melveill remitted to the comittee of bills.
Report from the comittee for the militarie effairs, with ane letter from the parliament to thoise who comands and attends the armie in the wast and instructiones to be sent therwith, redd and approvin.
Ordouris for Lochkilkerran.
[Order concerning the troops remitted to the committee for the affairs of the army; ordering of house remitted to the committee for overtures]
3Remittis to the comittee for the militarie effairs to think how Colonell Strauchanes chairge shall be supplyed.4
5Remittis to the comittee for the overturs to think wpoun a way for ordoring of the hous.
[Committee for revising the acts of the committee of estates ordered to be appointed; new privy seal ordered to be engraved]
6Ordanes a comittee of three of evrie estaits to be named be the severall bodyes at ther nixt meitting for reveising the acts of the comittee of estaitts.
7The kingis matie and estaits of parliament ordanes a new privie seall to be maid to supplie the other for the present, whiche seall shall bear his maties armes and thir wordis: Carolus secundus Dei gratia Scotie, Anglie, Francie et Hibernie rex; and ane act to be given to the graver for his warrand.
[Remit to the committee for the affairs of the army concerning the king's coronation; supplication approved; supplication read and quartering discharged]
8Remittis to the comittee who wes appoynted to sett doun the solemnities and ceremonies of the coronatione to think what further is to be done anent expenses or coyne at the coronatioune, and to give in ther report with diligence, and ordanes Scottiscraig to be present with thame.
Supplicatioune laird [of] Adie redd and past.
Supplicatioune Johne Lindesay, comissioner for Anstruther, with the report from the comittee of bills, redd. The parties ordaned to be warned, and the quartering discharged in the mean tyme.
[Commission for the trial of certain witches; supplication remitted to the exchequer; continuation]
Comissione for trying and putting to executioune of Johne McWilliam, Margareat McInlay [and] Margareat McMurich for the cryme of witchcraft, and ordanes the magistrats of Dumbarton to putt the remanent persones to libertie wpoun cawtion to anser to wnderly the law.
Supplicatioune Lord Erskyne and laird [of] Glenwrquhy remitted to the exchekquher, to meitt on Fryday efternun, and persons interested to attend.
Ordanes the bodyes to meitt at tuo efternun, the comitteeis at three hours and the parliament the morrow at nyne hours.
- NAS. PA3/2, f.75r.
- 'Billis' written in the margin.
- 'Militar.' written in the margin.
- 'This villane went over to Cromwell, the usurper.' Anti-Cromwell remark, written in a different hand and added at a later date.
- 'Overturis' written in the margin.
- 'Bodyes' written in the margin.
- 'Privie seall' written in the margin.
- 'Committee for the coronation' written in the margin.