The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2024), date accessed: 7 December 2024
[Reports read and approved; business concerning the Western Association remitted to the several bodies]
Prayers heard and rolls callit.
Report from the comittee for the militarie effairs redd. The first part theroff conteaning exoneratioune to the liuetenent generall and approbation of his faithfulnes voyced and approvin, and ordanes ane act to be drawin therwpoun; and therefter the other four artickles lykwayes approvin.
The artickle of the report ordaneing the wholl forces of the kingdome to be wnder on[e] comand voyced and approvin.
2Remittis to the severall bodyes [to] tak in consideratioune the associatioune in the west.
[Committee for grievances elected; continuation; query concerning teind duties remitted to the several bodies]
3The parliament appoynts the Lord Angus, laird [of] Humbie, laird [of] Nithrie, laird [of] Balhoussie, Bachiltoun, Sir Johne Smyth, Patrik Ross and Mr Johne Patersone, or any four of thame and thair quorum, to be a comittee for grevances and wrongis comitted by officiars or sojors, and ordanes the first draught of the comission to be soght.
Ordanes the nixt meitting of parliament to be on Monday at ten hours.
4The quere quither, in respect of the augmentationes of the ministers stepands granted since the last valuatioune of the rent in the shyres of this kingdom, the teynd and teynd dueties payed out that way to ministers may be free of payment of mentenance and publict dues in all tyme coming, remitted to be considdered be the severall bodyes.
- NAS. PA3/2, f.74v.
- 'Bodyes' written in the margin.
- 'Comittee for grevances, Paterson' written in the margin.
- 'Bodyes' written in the margin.