The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2024), date accessed: 7 December 2024
[Letter remitted to the committee for the affairs of the army; report read; letters ordered to be drafted]
Prayers heard and rolls callit.
2Letter from Johne Denholme to the lord chancelar redd in parliament and remitted to the comittee for the militarie effairs to think wpoun a generall commissar.
Report from the comittee for the militarie effairs redd.
That fyve letteris be drawin to be sent to thoise who should have bein present to give ane accompt of the muster whiche should have bein at the randevouez.
[Remonstrance and petitions submitted from the commissioners of the kirk and various ministers; continuation]
Remonstrance and petitione from the comissionars of the generall assemblie to the kingis matie and estaitts of parliament presented be Mr Robert Douglas and certane others comissioners of the generall assemblie, with ane supplicatioun from the ministers in Lothiane to the moderatour and remanent comissioners of the assemblie, with ane other supplicatioun from the ministers of Tueddaill to thame, with ane paper conteaning the sense of the comissioners of the generall assemblie wpoun the westerne forces remonstrance, with ane other paper, bearing a warrand to present the sense of the comissioners of the kirk anent the remonstrance, and concerning the particulars chargit wpoun the tuo brethrein, redd in presens of parliament. The lord chancelar, in name of his matie and estaitts of parliament, did returne thame hartie thanks for ther seasonable warning and constant correspondence, and further desyred that, since the sad treuthes mentionat in the paper ar generally reflecting wpoun all, that they would be at the paynes to tak tryell of the particulars that sua they may be applyed to the ryght parteis. And as to the last desyre anent ther goeing on against the enemy, declairis that they shalbe cairfull to go activelie about the same as God shall give thame assistance.
Ordanes the comittee of the militarie effairs to meitt presentlie, and the parliament at 4 efternun.
[Additions to the membership of the committee for the affairs of the army; letter remitted to the committee for the affairs of the army; continuation]
3Ordanes tuo of evrie estaitt to be addit to the comittee of the militarie effairs to be named at the first meting of the bodyes.
4Letter from Generall Major Holburne to the marquis [of] Argyll redd in parliament, and referred to the comittee of the militarie effairs, quho ar to meitt at tuo efternun.
Ordanes the comitteeis to meitt at tuo of the clok, and the parliament at four of the clok.
Minutts redd.
- NAS. PA3/2, f.74r-74v.
- 'Armie' written in the margin.
- 'Bodyes' written in the margin.
- 'Armie' written in the margin.